Business Computer Applications

Course Code

BISM 200

Academic Year


This course is designed to expand students' knowledge of Microsoft Excel 2013 and to introduce them to Microsoft Access 2013, skills that are in great demand by many employers. This course takes the student beyond the creation of a basic spreadsheet in Excel to advanced data analysis levels. The combination with Access database prepares students to pursue a new career or to get ahead in their existing one. In this course, the student will learn how to use Excel and Access to analyze data and using the results will learn how to make executive decisions based on the data. Students will also go beyond creating a basic database and, learn how to create professional reports and forms, to support effective business communication with internal and external clients in a rapidly changing environment.

Please note that students who choose to take an online section of this course must write the final exam in person (either at the Humber North or Lakeshore campus, or (if located more than 100km from the campus) through an approved proctoring facility. Any costs associated with this are the sole responsibility of the student.