Ethics and Professionalism

Course Code

THER 252

Academic Year


In this three-module course, students will be introduced to:
Module 1 - a number of ethical issues in occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Students will be exposed to classic and contemporary ethics literature in rehabilitation medicine. They will be challenged to reflect on their own values and beliefs, and through discussion to explore those held by others.
Module 2 - Documenting therapeutic interventions involves the recording of relevant client information accurately and effectively. Using an on-line environment, this skill will be taught through instruction and practice and include correct terminology, use of abbreviations, and writing clearly, coherently, and concisely. Although the SOAP note will be taught, the principles involved will be directly applicable to most rehabilitation documentation formats.
Module 3 - a formal performance-based examination will assess the comprehensive acquisition of knowledge and skills gained through the four semesters of program study. Areas of assessment include: musculoskeletal, neurological, mental health, cardio-respiratory, and complex rehabilitation in a variety of therapeutic environments.