Production Project 1

Course Code

FILM 4000

Academic Year


FILM 4000 commences a two-semester course resulting in the completion of a film or media project in order to meet the degree requirements. Students create or participate in crewed or independent thesis projects. The course focuses on hands-on learning, preparing students for entry into the professional world of film and media production. Throughout the course, students develop their creative and managerial skills through continuous supervised work via regular consultations with their course professors and or or designated advisors. The course also includes lectures, workshops and industry guest speakers. In this first semester course, students prepare and produce the media elements specified in their projects. This phase may include research, pre-production and production activities such as story editing, storyboarding, casting, budgeting, scheduling and shooting. Once the production phase is complete, the students progress to the post-production phase, in the following semester, FILM 4500.