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General Inquiries


Simon Ing

Simon Ing
Global Learning Co-ordinator

Fun fact: I love being in the cities where it’s lively with lots to see such as New York, Las Vegas, and Hong Kong. I enjoy exploring different cultures and cuisines as it provides a glimpse of people’s history, traditions, culture, and values.

Sonja Petrovska Mancheva

Sonja Petrovska Mancheva
Global Learning Co-ordinator

Fun fact: I believe that traveling and visiting different countries offers indulgence for all our senses. Whether it is observing beautiful architecture, savoring local vendors’ foods, or listening to the sounds of the nature, it leaves a lasting impression on us. It becomes part of us. For me that lasting impression is the smell of the Aegean Sea during my stay in Greece.

Academic Specific Questions?

Wondering if you can receive credit for going abroad? Can you do a semester exchange with your program? Want to plan ahead for a global opportunity? Look no further! Each Humber Faculty has a dedicated International Coordinator to assist you with all things related to your academic success. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your faculty’s coordinator for more information! 

Manisha Maharajh

Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness

Manisha Maharajh
International Co-ordinator


Fun fact: My favourite place I’ve travelled to is Venice, Italy. I’ve wanted to visit since the first time I saw a picture of the city on water when I was a young child. Visiting it in real life years later was absolutely surreal!

Tina Kotsiomitis

Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology

Tina Kotsiomitis
Director, Academic Programs


Fun Fact: My love of travelling has taken me to over 20 countries around the world. I can’t pick one favourite, they were all fantastic places to visit. I am always looking for the next adventure. My love of travelling took me to the other side of the world where I spent 10 years living in Australia. I look forward to supporting students who wish to travel abroad, get out of their comfort zone, and experience a different culture.

Faculty of Social & Community Services 

Ayesha Amin
Global Learning & Strategic Initiatives Co-ordinator


Fun Fact: My favourite place I've traveled to is Nepal - because of its beauty, cultural diversity, religious cooperation, cuisine, artisanal talent, and the ingenuity of its people!

Kimmy Do

Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Kimmy Do
Manager, Global Initiatives and Partnership Development


Fun Fact: Each and every city that I’ve been to has brought me life experiences and I love all of them. However, the city of Lyon, France, still remains my favourite place, not only because of its charm but also perhaps because it was the first destination of my study-work abroad adventure and it witnessed how my global perspective has been built up. Although Paris’s nickname is the City of Lights, it is Lyon where the most famous Festival of Lights (Fete des Lumieres) is hosted to celebrate light and honour the Virgin Mary. Every December, Lyon has lit up with an explosion of light and colour. Public places and buildings come alive with art installations by lighting designers and visual artists. People are excited to find music, dancing, parades and food stalls transform the old district of Lyon into a place flooded with light, beauty and sound.

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Jennifer Cleary

Faculty of Media and Creative Arts

Jennifer Cleary
Manager, International Initiatives


Fun Fact: I’ve been fortunate to work in Kenya, Indonesia, Nepal, and South Africa which has given me a deep appreciation for different cultures and ways of living – and taught me the important skill of how to hail a rickshaw, a tuk tuk, a matatu, boda boda, ojek and bakki!

Rosie Lima

Longo Faculty of Business

Rosie Lima
International Partnerships & Mobility Student Advisor


Fun Fact: My favourite place I've traveled to is Tarapoto, Peru - I love Chocolate, and to be able to walk through a Cacao farm, eat a Cacao fruit and watch the whole chocolate process from beginning to end, was magical. I also learned how something sweet and simple like chocolate could have such a huge economic and cultural impact on the people that produce it.