Pharmacy Dispensing Lab 3

Course Code

PHRM 204

Academic Year


The course offers intensive experience in generating and dispensing prescriptions from two commercial computer systems. Pharmacy services including purchasing, inventory control, will be introduced to complement and enhance the dispensing process. Third party adjudication of claims will be examined in a pharmacy. The Standards of Practice and the marking scheme established in Pharmacy Dispensing Lab 1 will be adhered to. Using community pharmacy software, the students will enter and fill prescriptions for patients in a nursing home and a group home. Students will product select generic manufacturers according to guidelines, legislation and current inventory. Compounding skills will be enhanced. PACMED technology will be introduced for institutional dispensing. Students will be introduced to medications available for patient self selection. The use of over the counter (OTC) drugs, herbals and other complementary or alternative medications will be emphasized. Critical thinking skills will be enhanced with case studies highlighting the role of the technician and when referrals to the pharmacist are required. The nature and use of pharmaceutical devices and dosage forms will be studied with particular emphasis on the role of the pharmacy technician.