Governance, Policy and Practice

Course Code: ADMH 2500

Academic Year: 2023-2024

The legislation intended to respond to critical issues facing society can feel remote to front-line staff implementing policies derived from that legislation. This disconnect may impede the ability of staff to deliver essential care to clients or constrain individuals from engaging in more effective responses than are prescribed in the legislation. In this course students engage with three levels of social policy development related to addictions and mental health care, exploring the Canadian approach within an international context. The course begins with an examination of legislative and legal frameworks developed by governments and international bodies to promote health and respond to mental health and addiction issues. The course takes those governance pieces and examines how institutions, medical professionals, and government bodies develop policies that fit within that legislative context. Finally, the course explores how street-level bureaucrats support their clients and communities through the implementation of those policies. Students in the course explore a topic of their choosing through all three levels in order to develop a robust understanding of the topic.