Food, Nutrition, Food Services & Hospitality Operations for Healthy Senior Living

Course Code: AHSL 020

Academic Year: 2024-2025

A successful Senior Living Home provides not only safe accommodations, interesting and nutritional food and beverage options, and recreational activities; it also must provide these elements in an environment which meets the changing needs of residents and their related expectations. This course, delivered through a hybrid model (on line and on campus), will explore the multi-faceted elements of Food, Nutrition, and Hospitality Services in a Senior Living Home. Students will understand the roles, responsibilities, operational procedures, standards, and functions of the food, nutrition, and hospitality services within a Senior Living Home, in order to successfully manage those who run these operational functions. Topics explored will include housekeeping, building maintenance, and food services operations in a residential institutional setting, including each departments interrelatedness. Practical experience including cleaning and inspecting a residence, a combination of hands-on food and observed preparation and serving, as well as classroom lectures from industry experts will provide students the opportunity to learn the essentials in order to effectively and profitably manage these elements while exceeding customer service expectations.