Arts-Informed Approaches to Inquiry

Course Code: COMU 4021

Academic Year: 2024-2025

This course is a student-initiated inquiry into the core themes undertaken in their thesis investigations. Specifically, the course will study alternate forms of discourse, and explore creative methods for a reflexive analysis of the studen's thesis work. COMU 4021 offers a reflexive learning opportunity within which to consider the position of 'self' as a researcher situated within CYC Relational practice and to share this position with others through creative arts-informed practices. COMU 4021 will explore not only alternate ways of knowing, but also alternate methods of expression such as autobiographical ethnography, poetry and prose, the visual arts, movement, media and spoken word. The final outcome of this course will vary. It could include, but is not limited to the creation of a journal, a creative collaboration with youth, a visual art work, musical creation, dance, film, poetry collection, blog series, podcasts, etc. The chosen format will be expected to demonstrate creative, subjective, academic and professional interaction.