Senior Level Thesis (Capstone) Project 2

Course Code: PBRL 4504

Academic Year: 2024-2025

This course is the continuation of Thesis 1 and allows students to carry out the research as proposed and approved in that course. Working with the course professor/thesis supervisor, students work through the project, reporting to the professor at regular intervals and submitting their work in stages. Students are assessed on their ability to collect and to analyze data, following rigorous Research Ethics Board (REB) requirements and standards, to use American Psychological Association (APA) writing style, and to defend their methodology choices, analysis, recommendations and conclusions. As they finalize their projects, students learn publication formatting techniques and are provided tips on how to get their final version published on academic databases such as the Humber library and professional channels such as association journals and websites. In the penultimate step working toward the final product, students defend their thesis through a presentation in an open forum.