Sustainable Communities

Course Code: SNRG 352

Academic Year: 2024-2025

This course introduces concepts, features and examples of sustainable communities. It then explores how communities engage in urban, suburban and rural projects related to energy developments; the construction and retrofit of buildings; and land-use changes. Students will explore the political, commercial and private layers of the sustainable energy and building markets. The course also introduces students to the complexities and importance of engaging local residents and community groups. Course content includes federal, provincial and municipal levels of responsibility; agencies, procedures and requirements associated with obtaining building and energy development permits in Ontario; typical timelines and investments required for approval; social, political, financial and environmental factors that encourage, influence or de-rail a proposal; public reactions to change, NIMBYism (not in my backyard), the role of private companies, media, citizens groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs); stakeholder dialogue that encourages inclusion and recognition of mutual benefits; professional practice during the approval process; and means of appeal and redress. Case studies of successful and failed proposals are discussed.