Course Code: SOCI 3003
Academic Year: 2024-2025
This course builds on the foundation courses where students were introduced to criminology, victimology, social problems, and more. A primary objective is to support students in developing an alternate method of considering social and criminal behavior through a systematic position instead of an individual perspective. Students will examine the sociological theories in detail and relate them to crimes and deviance in Canada. In addition, students will learn to understand and analyze the connections between sociological theories and empirical research. In this course, students will cover some vital sociological theories of crime such as social strain theories, social control theories, social conflict theories, culture deviance theories, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Students attempt to explore each theorist/ theory within their society and during their period to understand better the specific social and historical contexts that gave rise to their theoretical approach. A constant theme in learning modules is analyzing sociological theories based on scope, logical consistency, empirical evidence, testability, and policy implications.