Advanced Auditing

Course Code

ACCT 4004

Academic Year


This course builds on the content students covered in Auditing I. Students will examine current and advanced issues affecting the auditing profession. Students will study audit risk, corporate governance, standards for assurance engagements, foreign reporting issues, special reports and assurance engagements regarding public sector audits, forecasts and projections, and issues related to not-for-profit organizations. The use of statistical and non-statistical sampling, as well as calculating appropriate sample sizes will be covered. Students will learn how to plan audits by setting audit objectives, performing internal control assessments, identifying management assertions, choosing appropriate audit procedures, as well as designing and using audit programs for application in each of the business cycles. Students will develop the skills required to identify and obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to support their audit decisions. The course will also provide an understanding of how audit procedures are affected by electronic data processing (EDP) accounting applications.