Product Design, Development and Delivery

Course Code

SCM 3030

Academic Year


This course teaches the students to examine and evaluate the processes of customer need identification, product specification development, and product design for manufacturability and distribution to final destination. Students will use inputs from a variety of resources to transform ideas and concepts into product and package logistical designs that satisfy both internal and external customer requirements. Students will review and evaluate designs for a variety of concepts including but not limited to conformity to functional requirements, life cycle analysis, and value engineering. The packaging development process and its relationship to product design and development and to supply chain will be defined. The distinguishing characteristics of the four packaging functions- Contain, Protect/Preserve, Transport, Inform/Sell will be explored and applied by the students to the design of the primary, secondary and distribution packaging. The course uses a systems approach to packaging, which considers all inputs and all events that the product and package will encounter during movement up to and including the final consumer.